Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How Covid 19 pandemic changed NYC and food to survive it


In my last post, I was providing assistance to those first responders who needed assistance during the COVID 19 pandemic, and thank those who have participated in this estate planning probono services. 

Unfortunately, the new threat to first responders now is not from a virus, its from the lawlessness in NYC.  I learned first hand, when I went to court this morning on behalf of my client in the Bronx Criminal court, to appear for a case that had been adjourned for 4 months because the court thought that things would be back to normal now.   This was not the case, and after speaking to the very professional police officer at the court house, learned that no cases are being heard at the criminal case.   

I watched as all the individuals with appearance tickets that rather than enter the court; were asked to fill out a form, and leave the courthouse.   This means any criminal act that is not a direct arrest is basically being dismissed or moved into the future to maybe be resolved in the Bronx, County court.

In addition to these dismissals, there is an odd feeling in the air near the bronx court and this area of NYC where the Yankees play.   Everything is still shut down, and the police scared for their lives due to the criminal activity on the streets being directed against them.   When I spoke with an officer in the courthouse, he indicated he was scared for his life because of insurrection groups that are targeting the police for killing and injuring them.   The officer told me that he was glad to have his life insurance policy because he is scared if something happened to him he could not financially support his family.  It is too bad that our first responders fear for their lives based on a group of insurrectionists that are given free rain to destroy NYC and are not held accountable.  You can see their call to injure our first responders in their recent occupation of City Hall where they chanted and spray painted phrases to "kill pigs" etc...  How despicable!

We all support our men and women in blue and firemen and women and health care workers, and I write the following quick recipe for them, who are on the go, and to bring them comfort that most of us are with them; My suggestion for a quick meal in to take the last few recipes and suggestion of a substitution of an item to make it even easier with what you prepare.  For instance in my soup recipe, the Mexican soup, instead of using the garbanzo beans if you have none, use just plain old corn canned corn.   You still need the Mexican tomatoes as a key ingredient, but try substitutes.    If you are making the vegetable or vegetarian dishes, you can use a different vegetable.   For instance, rather than use eggplant, use zucchini. Much like today's life, you need to adapt and make do with what you have in your kitchen.   And, please do so with upbeat attitude in these trying times.

Enjoy your  new experiments in these dishes.